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The Importance of Religious Poetry

If you think about it, a vast majority of the bible takes the form of poetry. Books such as the Song of Solomon, Psalms, and Job have dedicated themselves completely to Jesus’ teachings and they interpret such in the form of poetry. Though a majority of people today find it difficult to grab a hold and embrace this medium. People somehow find it cliche, simplistic, or people simply find the artistic medium obscure and devoid of any sort of significant meaning.

But poetry is important for the healing of one’s soul and for rebuilding the kingdom of God. Not only has poetry taken part in a vital role in the Scripture, but poetry has also been around throughout Christianity’s history and countless religious poems have made its way around Christians from all over the world. Believers have utilized poetry to create many works from hymns all the way to epic narratives for them to convey the message and truths about faith, God, and to rebuild God’s kingdom by making the lord’s word known to Christians all over the world, all through the beauty of literature. It is a style of literature that requires patience, attention, and reflection which might explain as to why a lot of people find the medium-difficult. But poetry has a way of stirring the soul and emotions of the reader that no other forms of literature can.

Why should people read religious poetry? What can it offer people?

Poetry provides people with a way of looking at humanity and religion from a different perspective. When people think of poetry most of the time they think about love poems. But there is also a different form of love which is the love of God. Spiritual or religious poetry will allow readers to see the reflection of God’s love between the reader and their soul. It speaks and caters to the soul’s longing for self-actualization and fulfillment and for some people; such things can be found in the lord.

Devotional poets are the representatives of giving us the expression of our very own feelings and spiritual experiences. Because a life that is unexpressed is considered a life that is incomplete even more so without god, these poets are the ones responsible for ensuring that such a life does not happen to us. We often find the things that we want to express in the works of these poets, through them we get to express the things we want to express.

John Milton often claimed that religious or devotional poetry has the great ability to be able to set the affections, which are our mental attitudes and feelings, in the right frequency. William Wordsworth, also another poet, has expressed a similar idea as to what John Milton has said. He said that a good poet is able to rectify the feelings of people. A good religious or devotional poem is able to rebuild the kingdom of God by bringing out the believer in many by calibrating various aspects of our spirit.

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